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#WednesdayMatchPlay with Ed Del Guercio from Lift23


Lift23 was founded by Ed Delguercio in 2014. Ed started out with the idea of ski socks and giving back to charity. The idea was a hit and now the company has multiple sock lines and an expanding product set.

"We seek quality and performance in all of the products we offer. Our product development team seeks to use the finest fibers and materials to enable elite performance for sport enthusiasts of all types."

Lift 23 is a premium sock and apparel company that is committed to a social mission. Our goal is to lift the spirits of those in need. For every pair of socks you purchase, we will donate a pair of socks to a charity. We have established partnerships with many great charitable organizations including the New York Department of homeless services, PGA HOPE, EAC Network and many others.

From the Host

I know I know... Socks don't sound very exciting. But they are! Especially the socks coming from LIFT23. On this episode of the#WednesdayMatchPlay we will meet Ed Del Guercio from LIFT23. LIFT23 make socks. That might not sound exciting, but once you wear a pair, you will understand the difference! On this episode of the#WednesdayMatchPlay we will learn more about their socks, the materials they use to make them, what other sports they support and more. It doesn't sound like it, but this promises to be a great Hangout! This episode of the #WednesdayMatchPlay is presented by Eat Sleep Golf. Interested in ordering from LIFT23? Use promo code "LIFTHOPE" to receive 25% off your order plus FREE shipping!!!

About the host Ricky Potts

As one of the most active members of golf's social media realm, Ricky Potts is an expert in creating engaging content and conversations. Wearing many different hats within the industry, Ricky works a 9-5 job with one of the worlds largest golf course management agencies Troon golf. He's active on every social network that I've ever heard of (and probably some that I haven't heard of) and is also the owner/operator of the largest Golf Community on Google+ (check that out here). Lover or craft beer, dance music and of course golf, feel free to reach out and connect with Ricky via your favorite social network:

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Also check out his website at:

The #WednesdayMatchPlay is a weekly video interview show, presented by Eat Sleep Golf and hosted by Ricky Potts. The shows aims to shine light on various golf brands and personalities through a fun, laid back conversation. Join us weekly on Wednesday evenings at 10:00pm EST, to gain an inside look inside some of golfs coolest, most innovative stories.

Interested in being a guest on the #WednesdayMatchPlay, please click here for more information.


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