The #WednesdayMatchPlay is a weekly interview show hosted by Ricky Potts. It's intended to be a fun, laid back conversation with industry professionals to share a behind the scenes look at their work and their experiences. Guests include professional golfers, product manufactures, golf course management and industry professionals with engaging stories to share.
The show is published in video format on YouTube and is syndicated in audio format (via the Golf Radio Network) on: iTunes, Google Play, Soundcloud and Stitcher.
Interested in being a guest on the #WednesdayMatchPlay. Contact us.
Welcome to the #WednesdayMatchPlay
Recent Episodes
Upcoming Episodes
LGT Golf Cruises
Luther Blackrock from Explanar
Lindsay Burkhart from UST Mamiya Shafts
Bodo Seiber from Tagmarshal
Chef's Cut Jerky
Cassie Stein from Global Golf Post
Graylyn Loomis from Links Magazine
Alex Kleszcz from Shot Tracer
Sponsors and Partners

Golf Radio Network

The #WednesdayMatchPlay is proud to be a part of the Golf Radio Network which brings audio only version of our show to listeners on iTunes, Google Play and Soundcloud. Listen to our recent episodes below.
About the Host

As one of the most active members of golf's social media realm, Ricky Potts is an expert in creating engaging content and conversations. Wearing many different hats within the industry, Ricky works a 9-5 job with one of the worlds largest golf course management agencies Troon golf. He's active on every social network that I've ever heard of (and probably some that I haven't heard of) and is also the owner/operator of the largest Golf Community on Google+ (check that out here). Lover or craft beer, dance music and of course golf, feel free to reach out and connect with Ricky via your favorite social network:
Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | Instagram
Also check out his website at: